MANILA to PHILADELPHIA                               3 APRIL, 1899
Commercial mail using 2c Bureau postal envelope uprated to
13c Single Registered Rate using 1c Definitive and 10c Trans-Mississippi . 

MANILA to COLORADO                                   3 APRIL 1899
Properly endorsed patriotic letter franked with 8c Trans-Mississippi 
issue, overpaying by 6c the required Single First Class
rate to the U.S. Backstamped GREELEY, COLO. / MAY 4.

Cover actually no longer required an endorsement since it
is from military officer  A. J. Luther, 2nd Lieut. 

MANILA to HONG KONG                22 AUGUST, 1899
3c Definitive and 2c Trans-Mississippi issue for proper 5c Single 
Outbound Civilian Rate. Backstamped HONG KONG / AU 28.

MANILA to HAMBURG                                       3 JUNE, 1899
Civilian mail with 1c Definitive and 2c x 2 of Trans-Mississippi issue
for the required 5c Single Outbound Civilian Rate, tied with nice
strike of steel MIL. STA. No. 1 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS / MANILA duplex.